Monday, June 21, 2010

Started the painting from photo

I've finished sketching my painting but it has been a challenge. I do get interrupted a lot. I'm still planning to have the painting finished by the 25th and post it here. I started working on it last night when my husband and 3 kids fell asleep. I was really concentrating and getting into it. About an hour later my youngest son decided to wake up. He is almost 9 months old. He's an absolute cutie but is unfortunately still nocturnal. I'm hoping I can get some painting done tonight. Although, I think it will be a challenge tonight because my husband will be out of town for work and I won't have any help.

I'm sure I'll have time to concentrate on my art at some point in my life. As of now I'll squeeze any time I can to paint because my babies need me and they won't be babies forever.

I would love to get some feedback on my finished painting once I post it. Please leave a comment on my blog. Okay... gotta go, my three year old is having a melt down.


  1. Your art is beautiful! I really dig it! I found your blog on Network Blogs and am now following. I am a writer and hope you will follow my blog if it interests you. I'll keep checking in...I really admire your work.

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