Monday, June 28, 2010

Painting not done yet :(

Okay... so I haven't finished my Kerala painting. My date to be finished has come and gone. My daughter is out of school for the Summer, my three year old son is keeping me running around after him and my youngest 9 month old is still waking up at night. Basically, I'm exhausted and finishing up my painting has been a challenge. I'm going to give myself until July 10th to finish. We have a busy 4th of July weekend and I know I won't get to it until after the long weekend. Okay wish me luck and thank you for following my blog :)


  1. Hey Neili,
    My blog is up and running again so I would love to do a post for you...also, I haven't forgotten that I want to buy that piece from you! I have to check it out when I come over.

  2. Hey Kirti, I've been very bad with my blog and getting my paintings done. I'm hoping I'll have more time for this once the kids are back in school. Take a look at the painting when you come over and see how you feel about it. See you soon and thanks for checking out my blog.
