Monday, June 28, 2010

Painting not done yet :(

Okay... so I haven't finished my Kerala painting. My date to be finished has come and gone. My daughter is out of school for the Summer, my three year old son is keeping me running around after him and my youngest 9 month old is still waking up at night. Basically, I'm exhausted and finishing up my painting has been a challenge. I'm going to give myself until July 10th to finish. We have a busy 4th of July weekend and I know I won't get to it until after the long weekend. Okay wish me luck and thank you for following my blog :)

Monday, June 21, 2010

Started the painting from photo

I've finished sketching my painting but it has been a challenge. I do get interrupted a lot. I'm still planning to have the painting finished by the 25th and post it here. I started working on it last night when my husband and 3 kids fell asleep. I was really concentrating and getting into it. About an hour later my youngest son decided to wake up. He is almost 9 months old. He's an absolute cutie but is unfortunately still nocturnal. I'm hoping I can get some painting done tonight. Although, I think it will be a challenge tonight because my husband will be out of town for work and I won't have any help.

I'm sure I'll have time to concentrate on my art at some point in my life. As of now I'll squeeze any time I can to paint because my babies need me and they won't be babies forever.

I would love to get some feedback on my finished painting once I post it. Please leave a comment on my blog. Okay... gotta go, my three year old is having a melt down.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Photos to Paintings

I have always been great about taking photos of my travels. For many years I've said to myself that I will paint this photograph, but never found the time to do it. So now I will finally put my paintbrush where my mouth is (did I say that right??). I will re-create a moment in time from a photo of one of my vacations and post it here when I finish. The 1st photo I will paint is a scene from my vacation to Kerala, a southern state in India. It was a lovely trip I took in 2007 with my husband, 2 children(I have 3 now), parents, two sisters & brother-in-law. We stayed overnight in a houseboat which flowed through lagoons and lakes known as the Backwaters. As we were floating around in our houseboat, we encountered 3 village children trying to get our attention. They did not speak English, Hindi or Gujarati and we did not speak their native language Malayalam. We took a beautiful picture of them and gave them whatever we could scrounge up quickly such as pens, pencils & gum. I love the picture of these 3 village children from Kerala. I will paint them and post my finished piece along with the original photo. I would love to get feedback from followers if I get any.. hopefully. I will give myself 1 week to finish this, so June 25th will be my deadline. Okay, wish me luck.

The Maiden & Hummingbird

I really enjoyed creating this piece. It was the 1st time I used plaster on my canvas paintings. The tree is like a 3-D image and the hummingbird is carved into the plaster. I have this painting displayed on my etsy shop at